Saturday, November 24, 2007

KINA( Chinchona spp. )

Kina merupakan tanaman obat berupa pohon yang berasal dari Amerika Selatan di sepanjang pegunungan Andes yang meliputi wilayah Venezuela, Colombia, Equador, Peru sampai Bolivia. Daerah tersebut meliputi hutan-hutan pada ketinggian 900-3.000 m dpl. Bibit tanaman kina yang masuk ke Indonesia tahun 1852 berasal dari Bolivia, tetapi tanaman kina yang tumbuh dari biji tersebut akhirnya mati. Pada tahun 1854 sebanyak 500 bibit kina dari Bolivia ditanam di Cibodas dan tumbuh 75 pohon yang terdiri atas 10 klon. Nama daerah : kina, kina merah, kina kalisaya,

Divisi : Spermatophyta
Sub divisi : Angiospermae
Kelas : Monocotyledonae
Keluarga : Rubiaceae
Genus : Chinchona
Spesies : Chinchona spp.

C. succirubra : Tanaman berupa pohon dengan tinggi hingga 17m, cabang berbentuk galah yang bersegi 4 pada ujungnya, mula-mula berbulu padat dan pendek kemudian agak gundul dan berwarna merah. Daun letaknya berhadapan dan berbentuk elips, lama kelamaan menjadi lancip atau bundar, warna hijau sampai kuning kehijauan, daun gugur berwarna merah. Tulang daun terdiri dari 11 – 12 pasang, agak menjangat, berbentuk galah, daun penumpu sebagian berwarna merah, sangat lebar. Ukuran daun panjang 24 – 25cm, lebar 17 –19cm. Kelopak bunga berbentuk tabung, bundar, bentuk gasing,bergigi lebar bentuk segitiga, lancip. Bunga wangi, bentuk bulat telur sampai gelendong.
C. calisaya : Letak daun berhadapan, bentuk bundar sungsang lonjong, panjang 8 –15cm, lebar 3 – 6cm, permukaan bagian bawah berbulu halus seperti beludru terutama pada daun yang masih muda, panjang tangkai 1 – 1.5cm. Daun penumpu lebih panjang dari tangkai daun, bila sudah terbuka daun penumpu akan gugur. Bunga bentuk malai, berbulu halus, bunga mengumpul di setiap ujung perbungaan, kelopak bentuk tabung dan bergigi pada bagian atasnya. Bunga bentuk bintang, berbau wangi dengan ukuran panjang 9mm, helaian mahkota bunga bagian dalam berwarna merah menyala, berbulu rapat dan pendek, panjang benang sari setengan bagian tabung bunga. Buah berwarna kemerahan bila masak, bentuk seperti trelur panjang 4mm dan bersayap.
C. ledgeriana : Tinggi pohon antara 4 – 10m, cabang bentuk segi empat, berbulu halus atau lokos. Daun elip sampai lanset, bagian pangkal lancip dan tirus, ujung daun lancip dan jorong, helaian tipis, berwarna ungu terang tetapi daun mudaberwarna kemerahan, tangkai daun tidak berbulu, berwarna hijau atau kemerahan, panjang tangkai 3 – 6mm. Ukuran daun panjang 25.5 – 28.5cm, lebar 9 – 13cm, namun adakalanya panjang 7cm dan lebar 2cm. Daun penumpu bundar sampai lonjong panjang 17 – 32mm dan tidak berbulu. Mahkota bunga berwarna kuning agak putih dan berbau wangi, bentuk melengkung dengan ukuran panjang 8 – 12mm. Panjang malai 7 – 18cm dan gagang segi empat sangat pendek dan berbulu rapat. Kelopak bunga bentuk limas sungsang 3 – 4mm, tabung tebal ditutupi bulu warna putih, tabung mahkota bunga bagian luarnya berbulu pendek tapi bagian dalamnya gundul dengan 5 sudut. Tangkai sari tidak ada. Buah lanset sampai bulat telur dengan ukuran panjang 8 – 12mm dan lebar 3 – 4mm. Biji lonjong sampai lanset panjang 4 – 5mm.

Kulit kina banyak mengandung alkaloid-alkaloid yang berguna untuk obat. Di antara alkaloid tersebut ada dua alkaloid yang sangat penting yaitu kinine untuk penyakit malaria dan kinidine untuk penyakit jantung. Manfaat lain dari kulit kina ini antara lain adalah untuk depuratif, influenza, disentri, diare, dan tonik.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Zingiber officinale L.

Zingiber officinale Rosc.
• Zingiber majus Rumph.
• Zingiber minus Rumph.


Name of area/Traditions

• Halia (Aceh)
• Bahing (Batak Karo)
• Pege (Toba)
• Lahia (Nias)

• Halia, Jahe (Melayu)

• Sipodeh, Sipadeh

• Jahi (Lampung)
• La, Hai (Dayak)
• Sipados (Kutai)
• Jahe (Jawa)
• Jhai (Madura)
Lahya (Bali)
• Laiae (Kupang)
• Reja ( Bima )

• Alia (Sumba)
• Lea (Flores)
• Bawo (Sangir)
• Alia, Jae, Goraka (Minahasa)

• Melito (Gorontalo)
• Leya, Ria, Lia, Luya (Sulawesi Utara)
• Laia (Makasar)
• Pese (Bugis)
• Yuyo (Buol)
• Siwe, Pusu, Sukeia, Sehi (Ambon)
• Siwei (Buru)
• Gisoro, Goraka, Gohoro, Hilohiloto (Halmahera Utara)
• Geraka, Goraka, Galaka (Ternate)
• Gora (Tidore)
• Ili (Tanimbar)

• Laian (Aru)
• Leya (Alfuru)
• Lali (Kalara Fat)
• Marman (Kapaur,India)
• Halia (Malaysia)
• Khing (Thailand)
• Anaha, Naha, Agat, Alomangi, Naupak, Loya-agarisen, Giya, Kasumba-giya,
Fute-giya, (Filipina)

• Ginger (English)
• Gengibre (Spain)

Plant Deskripsi
Plant Deskripsi of Herba, straightening, high around 30-60 cm. Sham bar, grooved, green chromatic. Single leaf, bottle green. Piece of leaf in form of Iancet, edge flatten, sharp-pointed back part, and its blunt jetty. Leaf length of[is more or less 20-40 width and cm around 2-4 cm. Compound interest in form of seed, length flower handle is more or less 25 cm, green chromatic squeeze. Calyx in form of tube, pronged three. funnel shaped Corolla [of] length. 2 - 2,5 cm, purple chromatic. circular globular Box fruit until length, tan. Circular seed is black chromatic.

Fiber root, dirty white chromatic. Its , thick and rather wide ( is not cylindrical), rust colored to turn pale. interior of Rimpang/fruits fibrous rather harsh, lemon colored with pink back part. Rimpang smell typically, and hot to likely refresh. Pursuant to size measure and colour its recognized, at least 3.
ginger varitas, that is big ginger ( referred also elephant ginger or rhinoceros ginger), small ginger ( or ginger of bird), and red ginger ( or ginger of sunti).`One of third the varitas which used by many traditional drug materials is red ginger, especially if/when the needed is its oil of him. In everyday medication, which is a more regular used by small ginger to be compared to obtained to be easier cause of red ginger. assumed by Big ginger less for drug, on that account more used as ripe flavour. Oil content of atsiri lower big ginger relative than which there are in red ginger and small ginger.

Habitat and disseminating

Ginger disseminating grow open in place until in place rather shaded, [in] solid land;ground, run dry and or fertility, [in] garden and [in] lawn. Can grow [in] lowland until height more than 900 metre above sea level. [In] meeting [in] subtropical and tropical nations, for example [in] India, Malaya, Chinese, [in] nations of Mediteranian and African.

Part of used by plant is Rimpang.

Chemical content
Rimpang Ginger oleaginous of atsiri oil which consist of compounds of seskuiterpen, zingiberen, zingeron, oleoresin, kamfena, limonen, borneol, sineol, sitral, zingiberal, felandren. Beside that there are also extract, resin, organic sour like acid of malat acid and of oksalat, Vitamin of A, B, and C, and also compounds of flavonoid and of polifenol.

Traditional usage
Rimpang Ginger have many usefulness, for example for the drug of headache, catch a cold, to strengthen stomach ( as stomachikum), and add passion eat ( stimulansia). [Is] also used to cure rheumatism, cholera, diphtheria, neuropati, as antidote of snake, and as external drug to cure keseleo, bruise and bloated.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


(NC)-Most North Americans don't realize it, but herbal, or medicinal tea is a very important part of health care around the world. In fact, the WHO (World Health Organization), states that over 80% of the world's population still relies on herbal medicine as its primary form of health care. In Germany, medicinal teas are available only with doctor's prescriptions, and in Chinese hospitals medicinal teas are given alongside drugs.
Although modern, chemically based preparations can be effective and faster acting than the gradual effects of natural remedies, many have harmful side effects. Medical practitioners are now realizing that the gentle healing action of herbal medicine, especially in the form of herbal teas, is far less stressful for the body. The gradual effect of these remedies, while not dramatic, is more effective in the long run and easier on the body.
There are teas: to relieve asthma, cold and flu; to enhance weight loss and improve digestion; teas for urinary tract health, women's hormonal concerns, immune system strength and for general detoxifying; teas to help you sleep, calm your nerves or improve your skin. Basically, there is a tea for just about every ailment.
As much as ancient traditions and careful blending are important with medicinal teas, it's the availability of active components within the herbs themselves that determines their effectiveness. The growing environment and the drying conditions for the herbs must be closely monitored to ensure truly effective herbal remedies. Flora prides itself on the quality herbs they select for the wide range of medicinal teas they offer.

Salus Coltsfoot Plant Juice


NC)—Since ancient times people have turned to Coltsfoot for a wide range of bronchial, (lung), conditions. A highly regarded plant medicine, Coltsfoot's high content of minerals, and other substances assist lungs through increased mucous production and expectoration. Expelling offending organisms from the tissues allows them to heal. Coltsfoot will relieve dry, unproductive coughs, smoker's cough, and bronchial asthma and it is reliably effective for colds. Native healers used to dry and smoke the leaves or make a tea. Today, through a special process, we can access this resilient herb through fresh plant juice.

In the 1920's, a Swiss pharmacist,Walther Schoenenberger, developed a juice pressing process to harvest medicinal plants and preserve them immediately while they are still at their freshest and most medicinally active state. Just as foods are higher in nutrients when fresh and whole, we find the same is true for many plant medicines. The process also preserves the wholeness of the plant and avoids isolating any single element. Mr. Schoenenberger believes that this is why these plant juices are such effective medicines, considered indispensable by many natural health care practitioners.