Friday, November 23, 2007

Zingiber officinale L.

Zingiber officinale Rosc.
• Zingiber majus Rumph.
• Zingiber minus Rumph.


Name of area/Traditions

• Halia (Aceh)
• Bahing (Batak Karo)
• Pege (Toba)
• Lahia (Nias)

• Halia, Jahe (Melayu)

• Sipodeh, Sipadeh

• Jahi (Lampung)
• La, Hai (Dayak)
• Sipados (Kutai)
• Jahe (Jawa)
• Jhai (Madura)
Lahya (Bali)
• Laiae (Kupang)
• Reja ( Bima )

• Alia (Sumba)
• Lea (Flores)
• Bawo (Sangir)
• Alia, Jae, Goraka (Minahasa)

• Melito (Gorontalo)
• Leya, Ria, Lia, Luya (Sulawesi Utara)
• Laia (Makasar)
• Pese (Bugis)
• Yuyo (Buol)
• Siwe, Pusu, Sukeia, Sehi (Ambon)
• Siwei (Buru)
• Gisoro, Goraka, Gohoro, Hilohiloto (Halmahera Utara)
• Geraka, Goraka, Galaka (Ternate)
• Gora (Tidore)
• Ili (Tanimbar)

• Laian (Aru)
• Leya (Alfuru)
• Lali (Kalara Fat)
• Marman (Kapaur,India)
• Halia (Malaysia)
• Khing (Thailand)
• Anaha, Naha, Agat, Alomangi, Naupak, Loya-agarisen, Giya, Kasumba-giya,
Fute-giya, (Filipina)

• Ginger (English)
• Gengibre (Spain)

Plant Deskripsi
Plant Deskripsi of Herba, straightening, high around 30-60 cm. Sham bar, grooved, green chromatic. Single leaf, bottle green. Piece of leaf in form of Iancet, edge flatten, sharp-pointed back part, and its blunt jetty. Leaf length of[is more or less 20-40 width and cm around 2-4 cm. Compound interest in form of seed, length flower handle is more or less 25 cm, green chromatic squeeze. Calyx in form of tube, pronged three. funnel shaped Corolla [of] length. 2 - 2,5 cm, purple chromatic. circular globular Box fruit until length, tan. Circular seed is black chromatic.

Fiber root, dirty white chromatic. Its , thick and rather wide ( is not cylindrical), rust colored to turn pale. interior of Rimpang/fruits fibrous rather harsh, lemon colored with pink back part. Rimpang smell typically, and hot to likely refresh. Pursuant to size measure and colour its recognized, at least 3.
ginger varitas, that is big ginger ( referred also elephant ginger or rhinoceros ginger), small ginger ( or ginger of bird), and red ginger ( or ginger of sunti).`One of third the varitas which used by many traditional drug materials is red ginger, especially if/when the needed is its oil of him. In everyday medication, which is a more regular used by small ginger to be compared to obtained to be easier cause of red ginger. assumed by Big ginger less for drug, on that account more used as ripe flavour. Oil content of atsiri lower big ginger relative than which there are in red ginger and small ginger.

Habitat and disseminating

Ginger disseminating grow open in place until in place rather shaded, [in] solid land;ground, run dry and or fertility, [in] garden and [in] lawn. Can grow [in] lowland until height more than 900 metre above sea level. [In] meeting [in] subtropical and tropical nations, for example [in] India, Malaya, Chinese, [in] nations of Mediteranian and African.

Part of used by plant is Rimpang.

Chemical content
Rimpang Ginger oleaginous of atsiri oil which consist of compounds of seskuiterpen, zingiberen, zingeron, oleoresin, kamfena, limonen, borneol, sineol, sitral, zingiberal, felandren. Beside that there are also extract, resin, organic sour like acid of malat acid and of oksalat, Vitamin of A, B, and C, and also compounds of flavonoid and of polifenol.

Traditional usage
Rimpang Ginger have many usefulness, for example for the drug of headache, catch a cold, to strengthen stomach ( as stomachikum), and add passion eat ( stimulansia). [Is] also used to cure rheumatism, cholera, diphtheria, neuropati, as antidote of snake, and as external drug to cure keseleo, bruise and bloated.

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