Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Alternative Medicine – Healing Comes From Within

Many people don't feel good, but don't really know why. They complain of “unexplained” symptoms such as chronic fatigue, over-weight, depression, memory loss, fibromyalgia, food cravings, headaches, muscle and joint pain, arthritis, intractable back pain, heartburn, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, mood swings, rashes, itching, allergies, attention deficit, dyslexia, hearing and vision loss, balance problems, high blood pressure, insomnia, ...the list goes on. Standard medical tests show little or nothing. Many of my patients have reported over the years that their MD's either ignore these symptoms or give vague explanations such as:

  • It is because of your age

  • You just have to live with it

  • It's all in your head

  • It is stress

  • It is genetic

  • It is...

What this really means: nobody knows how to determine the cause for all these symptoms.

Allopathic Medicine

Over the past decades traditional western allopathic medicine has come up with extraordinary number of pharmaceutical drugs in order to fight an extraordinary number of diseases. It seemed in the past, and it still appears that way today, that if we only could come up with the right chemical compound we could eventually conquer and eliminate any disease under the sun. This quest for the "Silver Bullet" continues.

Chronic Illness

Somehow, we seem to have missed the mark. With the amount of medication consumed in the USA one would assume that we are the healthiest people on the planet. However, we have more chronic diseases than ever. Even though our life span has been increased, our quality of life has not. Healthy aging eludes many of us. Diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, cancer, autoimmune disorders, allergies, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, depression abound.

Alternative Medicine: No Drugs – No surgery

  • Alternative Medicine - a different paradigm

  • The power to heal lies within YOU.

  • YOUR Alternative Medicine practitioner – YOUR coach, your teacher

  • YOU must take full responsibility

  • YOU must be willing to CHANGE

Alternative Medicine - There are No Magic Pills

Who we are is the sum total of our genetic strengths and weaknesses, our upbringing, our education, our environment, the quality of our food, the quality of our water, the quality of the air we breathe, the quality of our thoughts, our emotions, our relationships to one another, our capacity to give and receive love and affection, the amount of bad impressions we take in from horrible TV shows, the amount of ever increasing violence we are exposed to in the movies and/or in real life, the functioning of our brain and nervous system, our organs, our organ systems...

Alternative Medicine - The only Question is WHY

The only relevant question to ask: WHY?
Why do you have these symptoms?
Why is your body malfunctioning?

These are of course the most difficult questions to answer.

Alternative Medicine is concerned with the functioning of the entire human being in the context of his or her life. Genetics and life style are part of the equation. Illness and disease are not seen as independent realities that are explainable by being given a name and treated as such. Illness is rather viewed as an expression of some underlying imbalance and breakdown of normal function.

Alternative Medicine - Illness and Premature Aging - a Call for Change!

Biological aging is related to a noticeable decline in normal function. Function of the brain declines with age, so does digestive function, and many other glandular and hormonal functions. Aging can be accelerated by various life style choices:

  • Smokers have higher risk of age-related diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

  • People who consume excessive amounts of alcohol have increased risk of liver and cardiovascular problems.

  • Poor quality/junk food diets that are excessive in carbohydrates (calories) and low in protein and other essential nutrients lead to obesity, diabetes, digestive stress, heart problems and frequent illness in general.

  • “Recreational” drug users/addicts - you see this in their complexion, their posture, the evidence of their mental decline.

  • Use and over-use of pharmaceutical drugs – ALL have side effects.

  • Lack of physical activity and our sedentary life styles decreases brain function.

  • Inadequate digestive function leads to malnutrition, which in turn affects all aspects of our lives.

  • Antibiotic use destroys the normal bacterial flora in your intestines.

  • Antibiotic use causes Candida overgrowth and immune system suppression, with devastating consequences for your health.

  • Chronic stress accelerates aging

  • Shallow breathing and/or polluted air leads to oxygen deficiency.

  • Oxygen starvation leads to cell malfunction, especially in your heart and brain.

  • Mercury exposure from silver amalgam (mercury) fillings in your mouth is very toxic to your brain.

  • Environmental toxins in air and water accelerate aging.

Alternative Medicine - Medicine of the Future
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease." Thomas A. Edison

We can slow or even reverse our biological aging through intelligent changes in lifestyle, environment, and nutrition:

It is estimated that making appropriate changes can positively influence more than 75 percent of our health and life expectancy after age 40!

The goal of Alternative Medicine is to optimize health through

  • Chiropractic Neurology

  • Removing structural stress form spine and joints

  • Diet and Nutrition

  • Digestive Support

  • Homeopathic/Isopathic remedies

  • Detoxification

  • Balancing body ph

  • Improved oxygenation and deeper breathing

  • Increased physical activity

  • Brain exercises

  • Color and light therapies

  • And more

Health is not seen as merely the absence of disease, but rather as an expression of vitality and well-being. An ever increasing number of healthcare professionals are becoming aware of the shortcomings and failures of allopathic medicine.

Alternative Medicine is slowly coming of age and is the true Medicine of the Future.

Stasis Dermatitis and Stasis Ulcers-Skin Disorders

Diagnostic Hallmarks Distribution: ankle History of preceding noninflammatory swelling (stasis) Presence of varicosities Clinical Presentation

The term "stasis" refers to the presence of chronic, noninflammatory edema of the lower leg. Stasis dermatitis occurs when the itching that often accompanies stasis leads to scratching with consequent excoriations, weeping, crusting, and int1ammation. The color of the inflammation in stasis dermatitis is violaceous rather than bright red because of pooling and deoxygenation of venous blood. In long-standing cases of stasis dermatitis, postinflammatory hyperpigmentation adds a distinctive brown hue to the underlying violaceous color. The initial changes of stasis dermatitis are almost invariably found at the ankles, but extension distally onto the foot and proximally up the lower leg is commonly seen.

Many types of eczematous disease, including atopic dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis, occur on the ankle either as a primary disease or superimposed on stasis dermatitis. Correct identification of stasis dermatitis depends on evidence that noninflammatory edema preceded the appearance of the eruption.

Stasis ulcers frequently accompany stasis dermatitis. They appear as round to slightly irregularly shaped craters, 2 to 5 cm in diameter, with rolled violaceous borders. The center of the ulcer consists of granulation tissue that mayor may not be covered with purulent material or adherent crust. The amount of pain present is variable; often they are surprisingly asymptomatic.

Stasis ulcers begin as a result of trauma to edematous, eczematized skin. This ulcerated skin, both because of anatomically poor arterial blood supply to the lower leg and the further compromise in blood flow resulting from edema, heals very slowly. When healing finally occurs, it is accompanied by scarring. This, in turn, further compromises blood flow, allowing even minor episodes of trauma to initiate a whole new cycle. Bacterial infection in the ulcers or in the surrounding eczematized skin sometimes further complicates the process. Course and Prognosis

Stasis dermatitis generally runs a chronic course with intermittent exacerbations and remissions. Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation remains present for months after each exacerbation.

The presence of trauma (cuts, bruises, and excoriation) to the weakened skin in stasis dermatitis sometimes leads to the development of stasis ulcers. Healing of these ulcers causes the development of tightly constricted, thickened skin around the ankle (lipodermatosclerosis). This change is sometimes mistakenly diagnosed as scleroderma. Residual edema may be found above and below the constricted area. Squamous cell carcinoma can occasionally develop in the epithelial margins of long-standing stasis ulcers. Pathogenesis

The chronicity of stasis dermatitis depends on the continuous presence of edema. Thus, stasis dermatitis is commonly seen when the edema is due to venous valve incompetency (varicose veins) but occurs only infrequently with the intermittent edema that accompanies congestive heart failure.

Only a small proportion of patients with stasis develop stasis dermatitis. This situation is analogous to the infrequency with which dyshidrosis evolves into dyshidrotic eczema. In both diseases the eczematization occurs primarily because of the superimposition of the itch-scratch cycle, thus suggesting that atopic individuals are at particular risk. Author writes about beauty secrets. He also writes about skin diseases and health diseases.

The Natural Health Industry Takes Its Part on the Net With Herlab Replacesments

Herbal products are used by nearly half of the U.S. population. Quality, productivity, and efficiency are these natural health products that, marketers have sought to make men insecure about the size. Barrages of herbal male enhancement ads are everywhere to get more attention.When Viagra was launched in 1998, there were few genuine treatments for people, who want to have health and natural way to fight impotence suffering.

For example: Hoodia truly works, as a diet aid hasn't been scientifically proven. Pills and capsules claiming to contain hoodia are widely available in the United States online and at most online health stores, which sell herbal supplements. Such products are largely exempt from U.S. government regulations, which require drugs to be tested for safety and effectiveness before being sold. Also is well known that, South Africa is the only African country exporting hoodia legally – Grown there manifacturied in U.S or other countries dealing with the Weight Loss Market.

There are much more examples, like herbal vigra, other weight loss herbs, replacing some really dangerous prescription drugs like Acomplia and similar. Well known facts are that these products are much more cheaper, natural and with proven no side effects at all, because of the herb in them. Those are also the main reason why most of the customers with health problems are choosing them.

Online Health Pharmacy offers herbal supplements that are disease specific, that you can see them on the herbs market. The increases of this industry are also supported by the typed searches, made online. Hoodia has been described as a "wonderdrug" by major news sources.

Are You Looking For A Natural Stop Smoking Remedy?

With smoking becoming not only anti-social but now outlawed in many countries, the search for an effective, natural stop smoking remedy is more furious than ever before.

Perhaps it would be best to begin with a definition of what we mean by "natural." After all, there can be few, if any, more widespread unnatural things to do than the voluntary inhalation of poisonous, noxious fumes many times every day! No one made you do that, and there is certainly no instinct for it!

Hence, the search for a "natural stop smoking remedy" has the in-built irony of being a natural way to help you to desist from doing something entirely unnatural!
Let us assume that natural in this sense would mean not placing any more artificial substances in your body.

Nicotine patches, gum, sprays or other means of administration therefore need ruling out. They don't come with actual fumes, but the ingredient that keeps you hooked on tobacco is, of course, nicotine, (ask anyone who's ever tried to quit by switching to "herbal" tobaccos). Therefore, finding another way to administer the same drug is one of the toughest ways to quit, and the failure rate is quite high.

Where they succeed, it is only (in this author's opinion), because they force you to break up the routine of lighting up, inhaling and exhaling and so on. Furthermore, they enable you to "ingest" nicotine, (a powerful insecticide!) in areas where smoking itself would be forbidden, so once again, you are feeding yourself unusual behaviour patterns.

The "habit" or routine of smoking is thus tampered with, but the cravings aren't dealt with and often the wearer/chewer only wishes for a cigarette, often ending up doing both. (This is a very dangerous practice incidentally, as too much nicotine can cause a heart attack).

Then we have hypnosis. This is far closer to our quest for a natural stop smoking remedy, but is sadly often misunderstood or misrepresented. The smoker is hoping for a completely passive "cure" from the therapist in many cases. The expectation seems to be that you will turn up fully addicted to smoking, whereupon you will be rendered by means of a swinging pendulum, into a zombie-like state of which you will have no awareness or recall. When you are brought out of this state, you will in all other respects be restored to your normal, cheerful, sunny self with the single exception that the desire to smoke will have completely and utterly vanished!

Ah! The quest for the holy grail of both smokers and therapists alike! Let me tell you now, if you go to a hypnotherapist that is about as far from what will happen as your next encounter with a real monster from Star Trek!

The reality is that you will be completely aware of the hypnotherapist's suggestions and although hypnosis can unquestionably smooth the transition from you being a helpless addict to becoming a happy non-smoker, you will still need to consciously apply your new "programming" especially in the first few days whilst the nicotine departs from your body with the inevitable "pangs" accompanying that process.

Surely the most natural stop smoking remedy must be good old fashioned "cold turkey." Statistically if you choose this route you have a 10 per cent chance of staying free for life. However, you are likely to become one of those whingers who spends the rest of your days wishing you could have "just one more puff."

May the Lord have mercy - not only upon you, but upon all your long-suffering friends, (smokers and otherwise), and family! Plus, you have a ninety per cent chance of returning to smoking - with probably all the accompanying guilt, self-recriminations and possibly criminal-like secrecy. Not desirable.

The best natural stop smoking remedy of all then would surely be one where no artificial "gimmicks" are required, (by the very definition of "natural stop smoking remedy" - this goes without saying).

Furthermore, you should understand every step of the process, and finally you should not be wrestling with your own willpower - the emotional desire to smoke versus your logic trying to restrain you - for the rest of your days. Indeed, you shouldn't have to endure that agony at all!

Quite possibly the ultimate in natural stop smoking remedies (since it fulfils all of these criteria) is one which employs NLP. (Neuro-linguistic programming - but don't bother looking it up unless you're one of those geeks who needs to look under the bonnet of your new Porsche instead of just enjoying the experience of driving around in it!).

NLP works for smokers because it utilises the very mechanism we use when we simply change our minds about something. You don't need willpower to decide you no longer take sugar in your tea, or that you now love Robbie Williams' music ... or whatever.

If ever there was a way to pull yourself out of the hole you got yourself into with smoking, this surely has to be it because it bypasses the need for willpower - every smokers' nightmare.

7 Step Process for Achieving Stress Free Healing

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is an energy psychology that uses tapping on the meridian points to stimulate flow in the body's energy field, resulting in the removal of negative emotional blockages that can lead to psycho-physical illness. One can say that EFT is like acupuncture only without the needles.

This article uses EFT metaphorically to help tap the healing process into the body. Once the body knows a routine in cell and bone it becomes depth knowledge, something not easily forgotten. When we tap on the meridians, we use a code the body understands;a language it can process. With that in mind let's open the taps together so the flow can begin.

There are 7 body points to be tapped, as well as 7 taps to be done at each of the points, and finally 7 steps to the process as it is being used here. (The 7 EFT tapping points used for this version are inner eyebrow IE, outer eyebrow OE, under eye UE, under nose UN, indentation between chin and bottom lip CH, collarbone CB, and underarm UA).

Tap Step 1 Identify the individual issue to be worked on, the blockage in your life that you are ready to release. The more specific the item is, the easier it will be to collapse the issue.

Tap Step 2 Give the intensity of the pain/emotion a rating, a numerical value from 1 to 10 where 1 is very low and 10 is the worst it has ever been.

Tap Step 3 Address psychological reversal. Many times our energy polarities get reversed. When this happens EFT will not work. It is like trying to operate with our batteries in backwards. To address this issue, we tap on the karate chop point KC (located at the side of the hand where we would execute a karate chop)and say. "Even though I have this issue (substitute your problem for the issue),I deeply and completely accept myself." Repeat this statement 3 times while continuing to tap the KC point.

Tap Step 4 Cleanse the windows of your energy system, the blockages that have built up over time around the negative emotion. Do this by tapping approximately 7 times on each of the 7 meridian points (IE, OE UE, UN, CH, CB and UA as described above). While tapping repeat a small reminder phrase about the issue being addressed such as "this stress."

Tap Step 5 Reevaluate the intensity of your issue from 1 to 10.

Tap Step 6 If your blockage has not collapsed to 0 or 1, return to step 4 and repeat the process.

Tap step 7 If it has collapsed, always remember to celebrate victory.

When an issue collapses while using EFT, it often collapses for good. There have been many one minute wonders reported by EFT users. Other times clearing the blockage takes time and stick to it tapping. This later scenario is usually the result of numerous entangled aspects, some of which only surface after the original detail has been cleared. Our lives are so entangled from the process of living that there are often layers and layers to an issue that need to be peeled off one at a time until, like dominoes, the entire structure comes toppling down. Other times, only the major aspect needs to be removed to achieve the desired results.