Wednesday, March 5, 2008

7 Step Process for Achieving Stress Free Healing

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is an energy psychology that uses tapping on the meridian points to stimulate flow in the body's energy field, resulting in the removal of negative emotional blockages that can lead to psycho-physical illness. One can say that EFT is like acupuncture only without the needles.

This article uses EFT metaphorically to help tap the healing process into the body. Once the body knows a routine in cell and bone it becomes depth knowledge, something not easily forgotten. When we tap on the meridians, we use a code the body understands;a language it can process. With that in mind let's open the taps together so the flow can begin.

There are 7 body points to be tapped, as well as 7 taps to be done at each of the points, and finally 7 steps to the process as it is being used here. (The 7 EFT tapping points used for this version are inner eyebrow IE, outer eyebrow OE, under eye UE, under nose UN, indentation between chin and bottom lip CH, collarbone CB, and underarm UA).

Tap Step 1 Identify the individual issue to be worked on, the blockage in your life that you are ready to release. The more specific the item is, the easier it will be to collapse the issue.

Tap Step 2 Give the intensity of the pain/emotion a rating, a numerical value from 1 to 10 where 1 is very low and 10 is the worst it has ever been.

Tap Step 3 Address psychological reversal. Many times our energy polarities get reversed. When this happens EFT will not work. It is like trying to operate with our batteries in backwards. To address this issue, we tap on the karate chop point KC (located at the side of the hand where we would execute a karate chop)and say. "Even though I have this issue (substitute your problem for the issue),I deeply and completely accept myself." Repeat this statement 3 times while continuing to tap the KC point.

Tap Step 4 Cleanse the windows of your energy system, the blockages that have built up over time around the negative emotion. Do this by tapping approximately 7 times on each of the 7 meridian points (IE, OE UE, UN, CH, CB and UA as described above). While tapping repeat a small reminder phrase about the issue being addressed such as "this stress."

Tap Step 5 Reevaluate the intensity of your issue from 1 to 10.

Tap Step 6 If your blockage has not collapsed to 0 or 1, return to step 4 and repeat the process.

Tap step 7 If it has collapsed, always remember to celebrate victory.

When an issue collapses while using EFT, it often collapses for good. There have been many one minute wonders reported by EFT users. Other times clearing the blockage takes time and stick to it tapping. This later scenario is usually the result of numerous entangled aspects, some of which only surface after the original detail has been cleared. Our lives are so entangled from the process of living that there are often layers and layers to an issue that need to be peeled off one at a time until, like dominoes, the entire structure comes toppling down. Other times, only the major aspect needs to be removed to achieve the desired results.

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