Thursday, November 22, 2007

Salus Coltsfoot Plant Juice


NC)—Since ancient times people have turned to Coltsfoot for a wide range of bronchial, (lung), conditions. A highly regarded plant medicine, Coltsfoot's high content of minerals, and other substances assist lungs through increased mucous production and expectoration. Expelling offending organisms from the tissues allows them to heal. Coltsfoot will relieve dry, unproductive coughs, smoker's cough, and bronchial asthma and it is reliably effective for colds. Native healers used to dry and smoke the leaves or make a tea. Today, through a special process, we can access this resilient herb through fresh plant juice.

In the 1920's, a Swiss pharmacist,Walther Schoenenberger, developed a juice pressing process to harvest medicinal plants and preserve them immediately while they are still at their freshest and most medicinally active state. Just as foods are higher in nutrients when fresh and whole, we find the same is true for many plant medicines. The process also preserves the wholeness of the plant and avoids isolating any single element. Mr. Schoenenberger believes that this is why these plant juices are such effective medicines, considered indispensable by many natural health care practitioners.

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