Saturday, December 1, 2007



Synonym : Hibiscus abelmoschus L.


Division : Spermatophyta

Sub Division : Angiospermae

Class : Dicotyledonae

Nation : Malvaies

Tribe : Malvaceae

Clan : Abelmoschus

Type : Abelmoschus moschatus Medik

Name of public or trade : Waron

Name of Area

Sumatera : Kapas sedeki (Lampung)

Java : Kakapasan (Sunda) Waron (Jawa) Kastore bukal (Madura)

Maluku : Kasturi (Ternate)


Habitat s : Bush, once season, high ± 3,5 m.

Bar : Wood, circular, straightening, ramification of monopodial, green or green [of] chocolate.

Leaf : Single, square five is, lobed, bercangap or divided five, jetty form heart, tip of fine-form. edge flatten, length 6-22 cm, wide 5-20 cm, finger bone, long handle 5-10 cm, green.

Flower : Single, bell form, [in] leaf armpit, calyx 2-3 cm, triangle, furry, tip of have coronet [to] five, green, tube form stamen, free gist;sari head, yellow, crown five, red jetty, length 3,5 - 10 cm, yellow.

Fruit : Box, circular [of] egg, flank five, becoming sharp, furry or have hair [to] loo like comb have, valve [to] five, chocolate to is black.

Seed : Kidney form, pipih, lobed, hard, chocolate to is black.

Root : circularly, branching, turn white brass.

Profits or Usages

Leaf of Abelmoschus moschatus good for as cough medicine, its seed represent cosmetic raw material

For cough medicine weared ± 2 gr of powder leaf of Abelmoschus moschatus, poured boiling water into by 1 / 2 matured water glass [of] heat, after chilled to be to be filtered. Result of filter drinked one day twice 1 / 4 morning glass and evening.

Chemical content

Seed, root and leaf of Abelmoschus moschatus have content of saponin and of flavonoida, despitefully its leaf have content of tanin and [his/its] seed also have oil content of atsiri.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Amomum cardamomum Willd



Amomum kapulaga Sprague

Amomum compactum Solad ex Maton

Alpinia striata Horst.

Cardamomum minum Rumph

Elettaria cardamomum Maton

Elettaria major Smith



Name of area

• Cardamom

,Kardamon ( Acheh, Malay

Palago, Pelaga, Puwar ( Minangkabau)

Kapol, Kapol Sebrang, Pelaga ( Sunda) Rahimy

Kapulogo, Kapulogo Sabrang, Pulogo, Kapol Sabrang ( Jawa)

Kapolagha, palagha ( Madura)

Kapolagha, korkolaka ( Bali)

Gandimong ( Bugis)


Pelaga ( Malaysia)

Luk Grawan ( Thailand)

Cardamom ( Inggris)

Plant Deskripsi

Plant in the form of annual herba, height can reach 1 - 5 metre. Grow to gang, forming many anakan. structured Sham bar by frond- frond of leaf, in form of is cylindrical, green chromatic. fat and rather big Bar corm. Single leaf, spread over, chromatic of hijau.tua. Piece of slippery leaf or rather furry, in form of lance or Iancet, with sharp-pointed back part and jetty, and leaf edge flatten. Leaf length [about/around] 30- 60 cm, and width 10-12 cm. Fin bone. very short Handle Leaf. Frond length and leaf handle [about/around] 1-1,5 metre. [Among/Between] palepah and piece of leaf there are tongue which [is] its blunt back part, length [about/around] 0,5 cm.
Flower in the form of seed ( small bongkol) located in tip of bar, white or white chromatic [is] brass. Flower handle emerge from bar corm, pendanting is, slim. Long calyx, more or less 1-1,5 cm, furry, green chromatic. Chromatic flower of putih.bergaris-garis crimson, with redish colour [in] middle shares [of] him. Crown in form of tube, long 1-1,5 cm, white or white chromatic [is] brass. Taju usually [is] longer the than its tube. blue Flower chromatic lip have white column [to], its edge turn yellow. Length stamen 1-1,5 cm, elliptical form gist;sari head, length [about/around] 2 mm.
Pistil handle is not furry, furry pistil head, in form of mug.
Its fruit in the form of box fruit, there are, in short and little tandan. Circular fruit [is] length, lobed, triangular, rather pipih, furry sometime, white chromatic [is] brass or turn yellow greyly. Bear fruit 3, each;every room dissociated by flimsy membrane as thick as paper. Every room contain 5-7 little seed, black or tan, typical odorous beraroma. In this wedge room lapped over length 2 line, cohere.
Fiber root, dirty white chromatic. Circular Rimpang [of] length, branching simpodial, white chromatic [is] brass.
Initially branchs of rimpang this [is] wrapped by short skins. All part of plant [is] aromatic.

Habitat and disseminating

To grow wild [in] primary forest and teak;core forest, [in] low mountain area and its land;ground rather wet, pouring high hujari, or [in] area which is cloudy always, [at] height 200 - 1000 m above sea level. Thrive below/under wings of forest wood trees, [in] very covert tempattempat. This plant also many conducting, because its fruit [is] utilized as mace [at] various cookery type. This plant spread over almost in all Indonesia, especially [in] West Java and South Sumatra. Besides in Indonesia, cardamom found many [in] Srilangka, India, Guatemala, Tanzania, Papua Nugini, and Malabar.

Part of used plant

All part of crop

Chemical content

Its oleaginous Fruit [of] atsiri most off all contain sineol, terpineol, and borneol. rate of Sineol in fruit of[is more or less 12 %. From other sideing that cardamom fruit containing many saponin, flavnoida, compound- compound of polifenol, manganese, extract, sugar, fat, silicate and protein.

Pregnant seed 3 - 7 % oil of atsiri which consist of terpineol, acetate terpinil, sineol, alpha of borneol, and beta.kamfer. Despitefully oleaginous seed also fat, protein, oksalat kaisium and grit acid. With distillation of seed obtained [by] oil of atsiri the so-called Oleum Cardamomi, used as [by] [is] stimulant and giver of aroma. Its [of] pregnant him [of] saponin, and flavonoida of polifenol, beside also oil of atsiri.

Traditional usage

Water of Rebusan entire/all part of crop used for strong drug to one who feel to weaken or weaken effect of performance. Also good for one who are is diseased [of] rheumatism or rheumatism. Sometime [is] also used as [by] afrodisiaka ( to increase Iibido). Irrigate bar rebusan used as [by] drug degrade heat (fever).

Its fruit [is] utilized for the materials of delicioused and refresher of food and beverage. Fruit also can eliminate to feel an itch [at] red lane, as cough medicine, and stomachache drug. Rimpang [is] often used to deodorize mouth, for cough medicine, and degrade heat ( as antipiretikum). dried Rimpang, to be milled, 1alu braised can become beverage of penghangat to one who is chilled, especially to who live in mountain, [in] area have cool climate [to] or [in] very damp forest. This beverage at the same time can cure hot pain in.

Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. Et Klotzsch



Poinsettia pulcherrima R. Grah



Name of Area

Red Tree, Puring Benggala ( Sumatra)

Denok ( Jakarta)

Kastuba, Ki Geulis ( Sunda)

Godong Poison, Plants Poison, Racunan ( Jawa)

Poison, Kedapa ( Bali)

Christmas Flower

Eastern Flower

Lobster Flower


Yi Ping hong.

Breakdown of plant

Clump of straightening, high [about/around] 1,5–4 metre. bar have Wood, branching, rubbery turn white milkyly. Root ride rust coloredly. Single leaf, its situation spread over. circular Leaf form [of] egg ( ellipse ovatus) until ( oblongus) by 2 – 4 hollowing, length 7 – 15 width and cm 2,5–6 cm. Back part and sharp-pointed leaf jetty, bony [is] fin. bottle green Leaf, surface of [his/its] underside [of] smooth berambut. long Leaf handle, [about/around] 5–20 cm, rose colored when still is young, and turn into green after is old.

Compound interest in form of malai flatten or branch fork, in typical formation [is] so-called cyathium, appear [in/on] tip of ramification. Every cyathium deal with big protector leaf, in form of Iancet, rose colored. High [of] cyathium [about/around] 1 cm, green chromatic with red taju and one big gland [at] its rust colored side [of] jingga. Calyx form bell, chartreuse chromatic. Crown turn yellow squeezing. Gist;Sari handle. chromatic of merah-jingga, red gist;sari head. Pistil with bear ovary three is, rose colored.

Its fruit [of] box fruit, long 1,5 cm, time still is young [of] green chromatic after tan old. Circular seed, tan. Now crop varitas of Kastuba which planted many [is] result of glorifying coming from Europe. Shorter Crop, leaf more wide, with protector leaf colour all kinds of, like squeezing is, white, or pink.

Habitat and disseminating

To grow [at] lowland area until height 1400 metre above sea level. More and more lower place grow, leaf colour will more and more fairly. good red and Green colour emerge if this plant [is] planted [at] height less than 700 metre above sea level. This plant come Mexicanly, widespread now in Indonesia and other tropical Asia nations.

Part of utilized plant





Entire/All part of plant.

Chemical content

Pregnant Leaf [of] alkaloid, flavonoida, tanin, saponin, fat, and amilodekstrin

Pregnant bar [of] saponin, brimstone compound, fat, amilodekstrin, acid and extract of formiat.


traditionally used as [by] dysentery drug, emphysema ( TUBERCULOSIS), dermatitis, broken bone, bloated because beaten, and external hurt. Also to launch menstruation, and multiply ASI

Leaf used as [by] traditional drug as tonic, and to cure hurt

Rubber used as [by] traditional drug to heal new hurt.